The DM and I are in Las Vegas getting ready to ring in the new year as Robbie Maddison and his Honda CR500 fly over our heads. I'll be doing a little blogging over at our Racer X travel blog, so feel free to stop on by.
Happy New Year's!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Happy New Year's!
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Sunday, December 30, 2007
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Friday, December 28, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
Sort of, anyway ... not sure how much time I'll have for listening, but if you post it, I'll find the time. In the meantime, I've got one for you.
I like Bettie Serveert a lot. If you only have time to listen to one song from this full show, check out her cover of "Lover I Don't Have to Love." So nice.
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Friday, December 28, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music, Music, Video
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Adventures in Dentistry
Wow, I feel like a stranger on my own blog! It's been a crazy month and I just haven't been able to reverse my numbness much lately. I've missed you all terribly, though, and I'm happy to be back. I look forward to catching up on your many excellent blogs in the coming days.
So tonight I'd like to flash back to my college years, probably 1992 or maybe '93. I was very poor, of course, and often found myself selling CDs or baseball cards so I could afford to buy a few death dogs and potato logs from the local Dairy Mart. (My body cringes at this now.) I was always looking for ways to save money, and this led me to shop around a bit while searching out a new dentist to do some work I'd been putting off. Basically, I needed somebody who would be willing to bill me for at least part of the fee.
After a few calls to local dentists, I found a guy in nearby Monongah. It's only 15 or 20 minutes from Morgantown, so I gave the cat a ring.
Me: Hi, I need some dental work done. Do you offer payment plans? I'm on a college student's budget, I'm afraid.
Operator (an older man): Sure.
Me: Great! I'd like to make an appointment. I'm pretty busy with classes in Morgantown; what are your hours?
Operator: We're flexible. When can you make it down?
Me: I don't suppose you're open on Saturday....
Operator: Sure! Name a time.
Me: Uhhh ... 3 pm?
Operator: See you then!
Wow! I'd found the most flexible dentist ever! I was stoked and made it to his "office" a few minutes early on the agreed-upon day.
I put "office" in quote marks because as soon as I pulled up, it was obvious this wasn't an ordinary office. It was more like a house. An old, out-of-shape house. Still, poverty can make people do crazy things, so I rang the bell.
A man in his '60s or early '70s came to the door tearing into a sandwich. I could tell by his voice he was the man I spoke with on the phone.
"Hi, I'm Dr. XXX. You must be Bryan! Can I get you a roast beef sandwich? My wife will whip it right up!"
"Uhhhhh. No. Thanks."
Now, kids, when a dentist offers you a sandwich before a checkup, what do you do? That's right, you run. I think most people who know me would say I'm a rather sensible person, but on this day, I'm afraid my I just didn't have my shit together. So I entered the building despite the sandwich.
It was sort of basement like, with clutter stacked on every table and chair, as well as on the floor. The dentist clearly lived upstairs, and his wife came down to look for something, walking about as if I weren't even in the room. Then I heard the front door open and a somewhat younger, eccentric man entered. I soon found out he was a neighbor from up the street, and it appeared he had heard the news that the dentist had a patient and didn't want to miss the event. After a quick introduction, the dentist led me to his chair in a small room at the back of the building. The room was lined with compartmented shelves, and in each box was a plaster cast of a full set of teeth.
"So what are you looking to have done?" he asked.
Nothing by you! "Uh, well, I'm just kind of shopping around right now. I'm not necessarily looking to have work done today."
"Well, the first thing I always do is take a plaster mold of my new patients' teeth," he said.
Try to plaster me and I'll punch you in the throat! "As I mentioned on the phone, I'm really low on funds, and I can't afford to pay for something like this, I'm afraid. So I should probably be goi..."
"Don't worry," he replied, "my payment plans are very flexible."
"I really don't want to go into debt over dental work," I said.
"How does this sound?: A quarter a month. Twenty-five cents. Can you afford that?"
Dear god, this man is crazy, I must get out of here. Now. "Uh, you know, I'm really not comfortable with this situation. I think I'm going to just consider my options now, but it's nice to know you're down here and available."
This went back and forth a bit, with his friend constantly assuring me that he and I were with one of the great dental gods who ever graced the Mountain State. I finally made it clear that I wouldn't be having anything done that day. The dentist finally gave in, but not wanting me to leave empty handed, gave me four or five full-size tubes of Rembrandt toothpaste (this stuff was expensive at the time, like $12 a tube or something) and about a dozen toothbrushes. Then I started my retreat.
"Wait, there's one other thing I'd like to talk to you about," he said as I shimmied toward the front door. "I have two words for you: Colloidal Silver." His eyebrows perked up as his head cocked sideways, awaiting my response.
"You've heard of AIDS? Cancer? Herpes? Pneumonia? The common cold, even?"
"Uh. Yes. I've heard of those."
"Colloidal Silver cures them all, every time."
He proceeded to produce a small bottle of clear liquid with a homemade-type label which itemized all of the ailments this miracle cure could defeat. He and his neighbor explained that they'd both been taking Colloidal Silver every day for more than a year and they were both is perfect health. They felt like they were twenty again. The doc apologized for not being able to give me any, as his supply was limited, but he could put me in touch with a person who sold it for a very good price.
I told him that he and his friend did indeed appear to be in, err, excellent shape, but as I mentioned I was on a tight budget and, being that I was in good health, I would pass this time but thank you oh so much for thinking of me.
At this point I was really, truly freaked out, and I paid my respects and beelined for the door. But not before he could stall me one last time.
"Wait, I do have one more thing you can take with you, if you want, but I'd like you to bring it back to me the next time you come down."
I looked at the item in his hands, which he'd apparently picked up from one of the many stacks in the room. It was a worn, dog-eared, '70s era issue of Playboy.
"Aaaaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh!" I was out the door in a flash. I fumbled with my keys as I tried to unlock my Subaru Justy while looking over my shoulder, convinced I was being pursued. When I finally got in I put The Silver Devil in first gear and got the eff out of there as fast as I could.
Of course I told my story to everyone I knew, and eventually to a buddy of mine from the Monongah area. He laughed and told me that the guy had indeed once been a very respected dentist in the area, but had begun losing some of his faculties in recent years. My friend always was prone to understatement.
I haven't been to Monongah since.
So that's my crazy dentist story. Want to learn a little more about Colloidal Silver? Then, by all means, check out this video, which the Dalai Mama pointed out the other day.
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
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Labels: Healthcare, Reminiscing
Friday, December 21, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
You post your favorite Christmas tunes, the DM and I will listen on Sunday night. Merry Christmas!
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Friday, December 21, 2007
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I love my job, but sometimes it get particularly gnarly. Now is one of those times! Which is too bad, because I really want to talk about my visit to the crazy dentist. I will get to this post soon, though.
Oh, and I think I'm going to do a Christmas theme on Friday Music this week. The DM and I will most likely listen to them together on Sunday, so it seems appropriate.
Game on.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
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Thursday, December 13, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
I have an early group Christmas present for everyone.
Unwrap your gift.
Did you get me anything? You did? I love the link wrapping paper!
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Thursday, December 13, 2007
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Movies We Know Most of the Lines To
These are mine:
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
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Monday, December 10, 2007
Gift Envy
Remember when you were a kid and somebody else got a gift for Christmas that you wish you had gotten? I'm experiencing the same feeling tonight. My pal Josh Williams has receiving an amazing early Christmas present from Helen Mansfield, and I'm coveting. Oh, I'm coveting.
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Monday, December 10, 2007
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Thursday, December 6, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
I think I'll start this week's music post off with a little playlist of my own. Feel free to check this stuff out and post your thoughts.
"Brand New Key" -- Melanie Safka
I heard this song on an oldies station tonight and really liked it.
"Movin' Out" -- Billy Joel
Live from a BBC session in '78. Nice.
"Hyberballad" -- Bjork
The Queen of the World.
"Watching Xanadu" -- Mull Historical Society
One of my favorite musicians, but nobody here in the States knows him.
"Paranoia in B Flat Major" -- The Avett Brothers
I'm semi-obsessed with this band right now. I love these guys' voices.
"Dirt" -- Nine Inch Nails
I was just in the mood for it.
"Sari" -- Nelly McKay
This girl is out of control. I like. Ever hear anything quite like this?
What's next? I love links.
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Thursday, December 06, 2007
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Rudolph the Red-Headed Step-Child
Don't you just love the stop-motion Christmas classic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer? I know you've seen it dozens of times. Originally aired in 1964, it's the longest running TV special with regard to consecutive years. That's pretty impressive.
I always get a kick out of breaking down the plot of this much-loved special. Let's give it a try.
Rudolph, a young reindeer who simply wants to belong, finds himself with a physical trait that makes him different from the others. This shames his father, Donner, who insists Rudolph try to hide his shiny nose. (I liken this to a father insisting his little-person child wear heightening shoes. He should be flogged with a giant candy cane.) After Rudolph's disguise comes apart in public, and despite his impressive, passion-inspired virgin flight, all of the other reindeer (with the exception of the sweet Clarice) give him hell and make him feel worse than his his no-good, sell-out father made him feel. Then, perhaps the biggest villain of the movie, Santa the Bigot, a man whose entire business is built upon the apparently bogus idea of rewarding the just, lays into Donner, declaring, "You should be ashamed of yourself!" And he means because his boy has a shiny nose, folks, not because of the atrocious way he reacted to that discovery.
Now let's think about Santa's slaves for a bit, the elves. (Note that the word elves is a mere a away from being a perfect anagram of slaves.) They all seem happy with their lots in life. All of them, that is, with the exception of Hermey the Misfit Elf. See, this poor chap wants to be a dentist. Is there any encouragement for his uncommon drive? Of course not. Even his offers of free dental care are rewarded with ridicule, and he's driven away.
So it's natural that the two societal rejects meet up and form a bond that causes them to go in search of "fame and fortune." What they're really looking for is acceptance and opportunity, of course, but their sheltered naivety is unsure how to define their drive. Along the way they meet up with severely inclement weather, a seemingly greedy but helpful prospector named Yukon Cornelius, and a misunderstood yeti that man has tagged as "abominable," imposing a role upon him that manifests in exactly that type of behavior. The three new friends stick close to each other as they battle beast and nature in pursuit of their dreams.
Let's hop over quickly to the Island of Misfit toys, an internment camp where unwanted toys are sent as victims of a consumer society growing out of control. What a brilliant concept to include in a Christmas special, and in 1964 it was downright prophetic.
Meanwhile, back at the North Pole, ol' Santa the Bigot is starting to realize that he's gotten himself into a bit of a pickle. He sets up shop in the most rugged tundra the earth has to offer and finds himself surprised to encounter -- gasp! -- a bad snowstorm on Christmas Eve! What a shock. What's he going to do?
You all know how the story ends. The yeti gets knocked out, Hermey converts him to the good side by extracting his teeth (the Wikipedia entry makes it seem like this somehow tamed him, perhaps through submission, but I always thought he had toothaches that were making him particularly grumpy and, like the lion with the thorn in his paw, he repaid a good deed with proper gratitude), we find out that Cornelius was really just prospecting for peppermint and not gold or silver(at least in the original version), the whole crew makes it back to the North Pole, and when Santa the Bigot realizes that Rudolph actually has something to offer him, well then it's all just freaking dandy! Rudolph is the best! We all love Rudolph! Attaboy Rudolph!
But Santa at least saved the Misfit Toys, you say? Sure he did. In the revised version that was created after consumer complaint.
Hypocrites, the lot of them!
... Then how the reindeer loved himHow would a kid who has an "abnormal" feature or condition feel about this show? Hopefully they'd feel redemption at the end, as the "misfits" clearly rise above the rest in this cautionary tale, but if I was an albino child, or if I had a particularly large nose, or a visible birthmark on my face, or anything else that's sure to keep me off the cover of Mademoiselle or GQ, I think I'd tell my mom that I don't want that red-suited bastard and his army of demon deer to come anywhere near my house. I'd be lighting a fire under the chimney and booby-trapping the hell out of my Christmas tree. Of course all of this work would be done in vain, because I'd know Santa isn't coming anyway. The bastard doesn't give a crap about how nice I've been all year when I'm running a cowlick this.
as they shouted out with glee
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
They're full of hypocrisy
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Wednesday, December 05, 2007
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Labels: Cartoons, Christmas, Rants, Television
Monday, December 3, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
I'm going to L.A. on Saturday for a few nights (mainly to attend this), so I'll start my day with Zep's "Goin' to California."
Who's got next? As always, links are really appreciated, and I'll respond to every suggestion.
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music, Motorcycles, Music, Travel, Work
Monday, November 26, 2007
A Tribute
1983. Sixth grade. Kings of Morgan Elementary. Hellooo, Alicia Schenk. Hellooo, Angel Blankenship. Wait, they like me? World-changing. Friday night, spin the bottle. Saturday night, Skateworld. Couples skate? No problem, I skate backward. Hellooo, Alicia and Angel. Hair parted in the middle, feathered, thanks to Mom and her curling iron. Hellooo, ladies. Also ... wiffle ball. Wall ball. Strat-O-Matic Baseball. Basketball at Stealey Park. Football at Stealey Park. Take a break, across the street, Aunt Jane's, best human ever, best house ever. Summer at Stealey Pool. Summer at Myrtle Beach.
1983. It's mostly a blur, other than semi-intact memories of a year when everything changed. One thing I'll never forget is walking to Stealey Park with Dave Wolfe, gigantic boom box in tow, cranking, cranking Quiet Riot's Metal Health. It gives me a nervous, exciting feeling of unlimited possibility to this day.
Godspeed, Kevin DuBrow. You made something once that was a soundtrack to a year in the life of a kid somewhere. And that really is something.
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Monday, November 26, 2007
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
Favorite Quotes
When I was in high school my great aunt Alice gave me a little book of quotes. It was so little that it could fit in my wallet, and because of the following quote, it stayed there for years. I wish I still had that little book, but I'll never forget this William Penn anecdote:
I expect to pass through life but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again. William PennNo amazing word play here, just simple words to live by.
What quotes do you like?
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
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Three is a Magic Number, Again
I posted this once before, but I'm still amazed at just how good it is, so I'm going to put it up again. This song is great on so many levels. Full lyrics are below the video.
Three is a magic number,
Yes it is, it's a magic number.
Somewhere in the ancient, mystic trinity
You get three as a magic number.
The past and the present and the future.
Faith and Hope and Charity,
The heart and the brain and the body
Give you three as a magic number.
It takes three legs to make a tri-pod
Or to make a table stand.
It takes three wheels to make a ve-hicle
Called a tricycle.
Every triangle has three corners,
Every triangle has three sides,
No more, no less.
You don't have to guess.
When it's three you can see
It's a magic number.
A man and a woman had a little baby,
Yes, they did.
They had three in the family,
And that's a magic number.
3-6-9, 12-15-18, 21-24-27, 30.
3-6-9, 12-15-18, 21-24-27, 30.
Multiply backwards from three times ten:
Three time ten is (30), three times nine is (27),
Three times eight is (24), three times seven is (21),
Three times six is (18), three times five is (15),
Three times four is twelve,
And three times three is nine, and three times two is six,
And three times one is three of course.
Now take the pattern once more:
Three! . . .3-6-9
Twelve! . . .12-15-18
Twenty-one!. . .21-24-27. . .30
Now multiply from 10 backwards:
Three time ten is (30 - Keep going), three times nine is (27),
Three times eight is (24), three times seven is (21),
Three times six is (18), three times five is (15),
Three times four is twelve,
And three times three is nine, and three times two is six,
And three times one...
What is it?!
Yeah, That's a magic number.
A man and a woman had a little baby.
Yes, they did.
They had three in the family.
That's a magic number.
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
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Friday, November 23, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
And I'm late, and it's the day after Thanksgiving, so perhaps I won't get many suggestions anyway. But if you post 'em (especially with links!), I'll listen with relish.
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Friday, November 23, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music, Music
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
This is my 250th post. Thanks to everyone for stopping by!
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
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Labels: Youtube
Monday, November 19, 2007
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Monday, November 19, 2007
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Labels: Musings, Reminiscing, Video Post
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Catfish Noodling
My brothers and their families were in this weekend, and my older brother, an experienced fisherman, told me about trout noodling. Have you ever heard of this? If not, or if you've never seen it, check this out:
I now have a new activity to add to the long list of things I hope to never experience in life.
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Sunday, November 18, 2007
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Labels: Animals, Crazy Ideas, Sports, Youtube
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
I begin my day with rock. First, Clutch.
Then I move on to the Jukebox Zeros. Bass player Rob Zero and guitarist Zee are both regulars on RtN, and they're damn fine human beings to boot. We've used these guys a lot on our Racer X Films. Go check 'em out.
What else? (Any genre is fine.) Links are so appreciated that I mention it every week.
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music, Music
Pizza Bake
Want to see how we apparently make a "good Italian dish" in West Virginia? Then, by all means, check out the Dalai Mama's latest post. Yummy.
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
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Labels: Food, Other Blogs
Want to hear a fantastic album that you didn't even know existed? I highly suggest that you answer yes. It won't cost you a penny.
Let me know what you think?
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
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Labels: Music
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Kriss-Krossed With Christopher Cross
One of the DM's guilty pleasures is General Hospital, and this means that I get to experience the joy of watching Tivoed episodes many nights in bed. It's insane to me, but I cope by coming up with nicknames for people on the show (Emily is "Mushmouth," Nikolas is "Poor Man's Tom Cruise," and Patrick is "Rick Springfield's kid" -- and I just had to ask the DM their real names) and repeatedly making cracks like, "Oh, my god, that ghost is still on the show? Are you kidding me?"
The other night we got to talking about Luke and Laura, and that reminded me of the Christopher Cross song "Think of Laura," which was featured on the soap when I was a kid. Remarkably, the DM doesn't remember the song, so I went to CC's MySpace dealio and was able to play it for her. Then we checked out his MySpace fan-page dealio and spun Arthur's Song for a few seconds, because the DM remembered that one.
I know he had some big hits, but I must say I was surprised that his songs were played more than 200 times on these two pages today alone! I mean, who goes to Christopher Cross's MySpace dealio and plays "Think of Laura"? Who?
Well, besides me, I mean.
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
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Labels: Guilty Pleasures, Music, MySpace
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Concert Vault
I recently found out about Concert Vault. It's got complete streaming concerts from tons of bands, most of which are free. I listened to a Black Sabbath show and a Cure show on Friday, and the sound quality on both was great. Awesome site.
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
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Labels: Music, Other Sites
Friday, November 9, 2007
Friday Music Special: Hurra Torpedo
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Friday, November 09, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music, Music, Youtube
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
The Blood Brothers announced yesterday that they're breaking up, so I start the day with "Set Fire to the Face on Fire."
What's next? As always, links are very, very much appreciated, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on music that gets posted.
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Friday, November 09, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music, Music, Youtube
Thursday, November 8, 2007
American Idol X
A couple of weeks ago I interviewed a dude named Bucky Covington, who was a finalist on American Idol two seasons ago and is doing pretty well on the mainstream country charts. He's a big motocross fan, so I did a small piece on him for the next issue. He seemed as down to earth as he did when he was on the show -- just a good ol' boy. Our little chat got me to thinking about the biggest show on television.
I didn't watch American Idol until two season ago, when I finally gave it a chance. (The DM sort of watched out of the corner of her eye but didn't really care much.) I'd resisted before that, probably just because the show was so popular that it turned me off. But sometimes I have to remind myself that disliking something because it's popular is the same as liking it because it's popular -- you're letting its popularity control how you feel about it either way. So I decided to give it a chance and form an opinion based on the show itself. Here's what I came up with:
It's not as bad as I thought it would be. Sure, it's exploitative in early rounds and overly produced throughout, but at its heart it's really just a talent show, and I always sort of liked talent shows. (Even these negative elements can be somewhat controlled with Tivo.) Compare this to other reality shows that are absolutely based on pitting the worst elements of human nature against each other for the deranged enjoyment of the lowest common denominator, and American Idol comes out looking halfway decent.So last year we gave the show another shot, and while I wasn't overly impressed with the finalists as a whole, a Lily Tomlin lookalike named Melinda Doolittle was really, really good. This girl was the clear winner of the show, and I knew it the second I heard her. There was just no way anyone was going to beat her.
And that might have actually been the case had I (and others like me) bothered to vote for her, but despite my acceptance of the fact that I was actually watching this show, I could not bring myself to vote. I just could not do it. The reality of voting on American Idol was more than I could stand. What if Rob Zero found out? Humiliations galore....
Then she lost to two or three inferior singers, including one dude who is so inferior he shouldn't even be on the same stage she's on. I couldn't believe it. What a joke! I stopped watching the show instantly and vowed to never watch it again. I guess I could blame myself -- if I didn't vote, I probably shouldn't care who wins -- but in the end, I learned that American Idol is also based on one of the worst elements of human nature: extremely bad taste.
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Thursday, November 08, 2007
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Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Elephant Gun
I first listened to Beirut when Colin MacIntyre said their last album, Gulag Orkestar, was the record of the year. That means a lot to me coming from Colin, so I checked them out, and the DM and I loved the album instantly.
So the DM mentioned Beirut's video for "Elephant Gun" on Chez Mama yesterday, imploring people to check it out. I've decided to help her in her cause, because it really is a great song and a bitchin' video. Let us know what you think?
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Wednesday, November 07, 2007
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Thursday, November 1, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
I'm a shapeless mass trapped in a red plastic egg. Free me and flatten me against the comic-strip likeness of your soul.
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Thursday, November 01, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music, Music
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Oh, the Horror!
I was definitely not the horror buff that the Dalai Mama was when she was a kid; the freak was infatuated with The Shining when she was like 5 years old, which was about the same time I was petrified of my brother's KISS posters. (This will come as no surprise to those who were around for my KISS rant a while back.) But when I got a bit older I came around and fell in love with some great horror flicks. Here are the ones that I remember the most from the '80s.
Happy Halloween!
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Band Names
I've wanted to do a band-names post for a while now. My questions are:
1. What do you think is the best band name of all time?
2. What would your band name be? (If you're actually in a band, pick a new band name.)
I'll comment with my answers.
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
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Nobody Comes (Repeat)
I first made this post back in April, but while listening to the great Billy Bragg on my way to work today, and noticing once again how amazing yet seemingly simple his words are, I remembered this Thomas Hardy poem and thought I'd recycle it. This is my first repeat post:
I recently stumbled onto this poem by Thomas Hardy. The second stanza is intensely sad to me, but I really love the way it reads, so I thought I'd post it here.
Damn.Nobody Comes
TREE-LEAVES labour up and down,
And through them the fainting light
Succumbs to the crawl of night.
Outside in the road the telegraph wire
To the town from the darkening land
Intones to travelers like a spectral lyre
Swept by a spectral hand.A car comes up, with lamps full-glare,
That flash upon a tree:
It has nothing to do with me,
And whangs along in a world of its own,
Leaving a blacker air;
And mute by the gate I stand again alone,
And nobody pulls up there.
— 9 October 1924
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
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Monday, October 29, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Last Year's Model
We start this post off with a little soundtrack music from the king, Mr. Elvis Costello. Raoul Duke, feel free to abstain from the audio portion of this entry.
Nobody would ever accuse me of being model material. While it's true that I have incredibly normal ears that could potentially show up in an ear ad of some kind, you wouldn't think I'd end up on the other end of a camera for professional purposes. But a couple of years ago on the Andy Warhol Bridge in Pittsburgh, that's exactly what happened.
I've mentioned before that I make motorcycle magazines for a living, and a while back I got a call from esteemed photographer Fran Kuhn. Fran is just a peach of a guy, and I've known him for ten or eleven years. (Here's a bitchin' photo of his from back in the day of Scott Burnworth.) He doesn't do much race stuff these days, probably because he's so good that he stays busy with commercial work. I mean, he is really, really good.
Speaking of commercial work, he called me back then because he had a photo shoot for a Honda brochure planned in Pittsburgh a couple of days later and one of his riders had to bail at the last second. He needed someone who was tall (I'm 6'!) and thin (175!) who could ride a motorcycle. I don't remember what the pay was, but it was good for a day's worth of work, and Fran needed someone, so I told him I'd be happy to fill in.
It ended up being pretty cool. I went up that Saturday and found that they had closed the Andy Warhol Bridge down for this shoot. We were doing the cover shoot for the 2005 Honda VTX1800 brochure. These are the brochures that dealers display in their dealerships, just like car dealers do with every model they sell.
Here's a photo of me (up front) and the other dude, with the rigs we were on:
The bridge is sloped, so we'd just ride up to piece of duct tape on the road, turn the bike off, and when Fran said go, we'd start drifting backward. (A mechanic had disconnected the brake light so it wouldn't light up as I controlled my speed with my front brake.) My job was to keep the wheel on the side-rig on the yellow line as we drifted back. The other dude, who's used to riding backward on a motorcycle, would make sure he was going about the same speed as I was. Fran was off to the side with a remote shutter button snapping photos like crazy until we made it to the point where he'd tell us to stop, ride up to the duct tape, and do it all again. (The point in going backward was to create a motion blur in the background.)
We did this all day and Fran took hundreds of photos. We stuck around just until dusk, when the lights on the bridge and in some of the buildings kicked on, and Fran took some final shots. My one and only day as a model was finished.
A month or two later, I got an e-mail from Fran with the final version of the photo, which is actually a Photoshop composition of multiple images.
The rigs were Photoshopped out, the road was perfected, and the whole thing looks like it was done at dusk. I think the photo turned out great, and I had fun doing it to boot. Too bad I never actually got to ride that Honda.
Oh, and I changed the template of RtN. If anyone has any problems with it, let me know.
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Saturday, October 27, 2007
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Labels: Motorcycles, Photography, Work
Friday, October 26, 2007
The Worst Cover Ever
The DM and I are checking out a show called The Next Great American Band. I just heard a band called The Hatch do the worst cover I've ever heard. It was Dylan's "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue," and it was just horrible.
This show is insane.
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Friday, October 26, 2007
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Labels: Music, Television
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday (almost). I need music.
If you could have any musician play a couple of stripped-down sets in your living room, who would you choose? That's the topic of this week's Friday Music post. I've been thinking about this all day, and I've narrowed the list down to five people, in no particular order.
Cat Power
My oh my, do I love Cat Power. Not only is she on my list of five people to play in my living room, but she's actually #1 on my list of bands/musicians I've never seen but really want to. She's got a beautiful, haunting voice, she writes great songs, and I love the ridiculous little dances she does on stage. But it's the way she affects her voice with the crazy things she does with her mouth/face that really throws me over the edge. This woman's got juice, folks, and I love her so. Welcome to my living room, Chan.
Thom Yorke
Radiohead is the best band in the world, and a lot of it has to do with Thom Yorke. I love most Radiohead songs, from Pablo Honey to In Rainbows, but I'm still partial to The Bends and OK Computer. I just loved the way Thom would disarm you with this sweet, soft, controlled voice, and just when you'd let your defenses down, he cream you with spastic explosions of sonic mayhem. My god.
Sinead O'Connor
I've loved her from the moment I heard her voice. I loved her from her incredible sophomore album, I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got, through her SNL incident, through her sexual ambiguity, through her ordination into the schismatic Independent Catholic group. Thing is, I just never cared about any of that other stuff. Could not care less, in fact! It's the voice--delicate and supremely strong at the same time--I care about. Sing for me, Sinead. I love this song.
Joseph Arthur
I've practically seen him in a setting as intimate as a living room. Inexplicably, he came to Morgantown to a small venue a couple of years ago to a crowd of maybe 70. Unreal. I like him when he plays with the Lonely Astronauts too, but to me, he's at his best when he's by himself, with his looping equipment and his paints, showing the range and soul of a voice and mind that could never be confused with another. He can sing from the gutter all the way up to heaven. The great thing about this dude is, if he's playing near you and you're not in NYC or another major city, there's a pretty good chance you'll be able to get close to the stage. Don't miss that chance.
Fiona Apple
Her album When the Pawn.... is a masterpiece. I get the sense she's a little bit crazy, and there is nothing like a crazy girl with a voice and a piano. I love watching her hunch over the keys, convulse over them, command them as she flails. Remember that XTC song "Dear God," where they ask, "Did you make mankind, or did we make you?" With Fiona, I wonder if she's making the music, or if it's making her. I don't know, maybe that doesn't make any sense. But I'll get a baby grand if she'll come play it. With that, I present her cover of "Across the Universe," my plane-crash song. The lazy beauty of her voice in this absolutely destroys me, especially with the backdrop of silent chaos this video provides. It's worth watching until the very last second.
That's my top five. If any of them ever agree to a gig in my living room, you're all invited. But if you all show up, I'm calling in the heavy hitter and we'll have a real party. Hit it, Bobby:
So who would you choose? That's what I want to listen to this week. As always, links are very much appreciated. I'll respond to every suggestion by Sunday.
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Thursday, October 25, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music, Music
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest
So my caption didn't make the final three in the contest from a couple of weeks ago. I had struggled choosing one of these caps:
"It's the greatest living room on Earth."
"Can I get you some cotton candy?"
I thought the first one was just a bit too obvious and not particularly funny, so I went with the latter. I see that someone else made the final three with "Welcome to the greatest living room on Earth!" Hers is worded better than mine, but I still like the cotton candy one better.
On last week's toon, I went with "No, I don't want to play Duck Duck Goose!" which edged out "My kingdom for an omelet."
Here's the new cartoon. Feel free to post captions; I'll be putting mine up as I think of them.
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007
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Monday, October 22, 2007
Hangin' With The Kindershorty
Having two shorties is great, but once you've have two shorties for a while, it's a real treat to get some quality time with one of them. The DM is off to Virginia to get her hair chopped off, and she took the young shorty with her, so I got to spend the afternoon and evening with the kindershorty. Here she is:
Isn't she a little sweet pea? She was at my office for hours, waiting patiently as we pushed to finish a book by deadline. (We did it. Nice work, J-Ko and Hoop.) Then we went downtown and had ice cream cones with sprinkles (her) and crunchies (me) while walking down High Street and talking about things and people we saw. We sang "Country Roads" almost the entire ride home, then after she aced her sight words (homework in kindergarten!), we went upstairs and did somersaults onto the bed. I'm officially old now that I get dizzy from doing somersaults.
She asked if she could go to sleep in our room tonight, and I of course let her. We read a book about Little Bear, then talked about the imaginary Cloud Town we started inventing last night when she couldn't get the image of Big John's ghost out of her head and was afraid she'd have "terrible dreams." We turned the light off and I sang "Wonderful Tonight" and the theme song of Cheers to her. I have no idea where that one came from. She fell asleep and I made it downstairs about a minute before kickoff.
What an awesome night.
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Monday, October 22, 2007
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Labels: Kids, Musings, Personal Experiences
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Christian Movies
Christian Slater, who was the epitome of cool to me when I was younger, starred in three of my favorite movies. Here are few scenes from them. Spoilers if you haven't seen them, obviously.
This was my real introduction to Christian Slater. Raoul Duke and I adopted "Heather Chandler is one bitch that deserves to die" into our language.
Pump Up the Volume
I freaking love this movie and soundtrack. I found Leonard Cohen in this movie. Concrete Blonde and the Pixies too. The song is this clip rules.
True Romance
It's a top-5 movie for me, and this may be my favorite scene in any movie ever.
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Saturday, October 20, 2007
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Labels: Movies, Reminiscing, Youtube
Friday, October 19, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
It's a hard-core deadline day and the weather is dreary, so I think I'll start off with England's Editors.
Any suggestions on what else I should listen to? As always, links are very much appreciated.
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Friday, October 19, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music, Music
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest
I've submitted captions to The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest a couple of times in recent weeks, and now I'm determined to get a caption in the final three. So I think I'm going to start doing weekly posts about the new toon. I can post my caption ideas to get feedback on which one I should submit and you can come up with your own if you want. (And if you do, why not submit them?)
So before reading my first few captions for this week, check out the toon.
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
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The Lodger -- Free Listen
Fanatic Promotion sent me a link a couple of days ago to a full stream of the new The Lodger album, Grown-Ups. If you're in the mood for something new, give it a shot and let me know what you think.
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
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Labels: Music
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Chez Mama
The Dalai Mama has started the blog she's been thinking about for a while now. Nice! Check her out at Chez Mama.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
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Labels: Other Blogs
On Walking (and Seeing)
As I was walking from the back of the building to my desk, it dawned on me how lucky I am that I can. Just thought I'd take a second to acknowledge that to the universe. (Oh, and universe, I'm also pretty stoked about the whole sight thing too. It's much appreciated, really.)
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
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Labels: Musings
Hardees' new Country Breakfast Burrito. Two egg omelets filled with bacon, sausage, diced ham, (what, no pig feet?) cheddar cheese, hash browns and sausage gravy, all wrapped inside a flour tortilla. 60 grams of fat. 920 calories.
Good lord! If someone tries one of these monsters, I want a full report. Reminds me of this:
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
I'll start the day with some B-boys in the DM's honor -- happy birthday! -- then I'll move into those lovable Canadian twins, Tegan and Sarah.
What next?
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music, Music
Opportunity for a Little Plug?
After my most recent post on the Radiohead thread, I thought enough references had been made to the JBZ's lunch with the big label A&R guy to warrant a link to that section of my tour journal! Enjoy!
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Happy Birthday, DM! Happy Birthday, Matt A!
The DM's birthday isn't until Friday, but since our home computer is down and she has limited access to RtN, I thought I'd start a post about it now.
UPDATE: I just found out tomorrow is Matt A's birthday, so we'll extend the happy birthday to him as well. Here's your present from me, mate.
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
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Labels: Happy Birthday, Music, Youtube
Monday, October 8, 2007
Radiohead's Golden Ticket
You've all heard by now that Radiohead's soon-to-be-released new album, In Rainbows, due out in a mere two days, is not being released on a major label but will instead be available exclusively on Radiohead's website for a price to be determined by the purchaser.
It's up to you. No really, it's up to you.
I think the whole thing has a Willy Wonka feel to it. The reclusive geniuses have been holed away working on god-knows-what and now, out of the blue, they drop the crazy news that their mystery album will be released in a handful of days, and fans can download it for whatever they want to pay! The announcement generates a storm of worldwide press that nearly crashes the band's website and lands them millions of dollars worth of free publicity in magazines and newspapers, on television shows, and of websites and blogs. It reminds me of the part in the movie where Wonka, a reclusive genius who had been holed away working on god-knows what, dropped the crazy news that there were five Golden Tickets in Wonka Bars, all good for tours of Wonka's candy factory, and the whole world went ape shit.
From the Wik: Wonka's eccentric behavior, inventions, ignoring the rules of science and self imposed isolation and paranoia classify him as a Mad Scientist.
I'm on the email lists of a bunch of music promoters, including Radiohead's U.S. publicity company, Nasty Little Man. This is an e-mail I got from them last week:
There will be no advances, promotional copies, digital streams, media sites, etc. of RADIOHEAD's In Rainbows.I can only imagine how inundated they were with e-mails from magazine types after the buzz began.
Everyone in the world will be getting the music at the same time:
Oct. 10. That includes us. We don't have anything to play anyone in
the nine days until the record is available. Everyone at nasty has
put his or her order in and just to clarify: you are not being asked
to pay for a promo (as some have inquired). you can pay nothing or as much or as little as you want.
There will be no promotional copies of the discbox either, as each
discbox is being made to order. Sorry.
I read an article on the move in the latest issue of Time magazine, and there are many in the already battered record industry who are afraid of what this new "model" will do to their bottom line. (One record company exec said, "If you can pay whatever you want for music by the best band in the world, why would you pay $13 or 99 cents for music by somebody less talented?") Radiohead insists they're not trying to come up with a new business model, but instead that they just really want everyone to get their music at the same time.
I bet it's really about control though. About controlling their music, their marketing efforts, their schedules. Their business. Their lives. Imagine what an nightmare it must be to produce a big-time record. Imagine how many people are involved in that process, pulling at your art and time in every direction like it's some kind of (Wonka) taffy, trying to find as many ways as they can to make as much money off of you as they possibly can.
Oh and by the way, which one's Pink?
If that's the price you have to pay to make a living doing what you want, so be it. But what if that price is unnecessary? I'm sure Radiohead will still make millions on the digital downloads, even with voluntary pricing. (I plan on paying four pounds, which is like eight bucks, I believe.) Considering that a band doesn't even make 20 percent on album sales these days when they're with a record company, the potentially slightly less revenue is a small price to pay for eliminating all of that other crap, especially when you already have all the money you'll ever need. (And they've got a major tour on the way in 2008, where they'll clean up anyway. The DM and I will see them live, that's for sure. Probably a couple of times.)
Yep, Radiohead is in control. They've used their insane new scheme to weed out all of the liars, the gluttons, the spoiled, ill-behaved cretins who only wanted to juice them for all they could get, and they're passing their music on on their own terms.
Oompa loompa, indeed.
Ten years ago this Friday -- on the DM's birthday, in Raoul Duke's North Carolina apartment -- was the day we discovered OK Computer.
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Monday, October 08, 2007
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Labels: Music, Other Sites, Radiohead
Thursday, October 4, 2007
I Totally Remember "Pop Goes the World" Now
Happy birthday, Matthes!
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Susan Chipley
Thursday, October 04, 2007
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Labels: Happy Birthday, Music, Reminiscing, Youtube
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
Only it's Thursday, but since I'll be on the road tomorrow, Friday Music will be a day early this week. I rode to work today, which is usually a good thing (especially on a beautiful day like this), but there was so much stop-and-go traffic that I've got arm-pump in my left arm. Less good! So I'll start the day with some Traffic.
As always, links are very much appreciated. I'd also like to invite anyone else to check out the music people suggest and of course to comment about it. (And welcome, Blogandters.)
Posted by
Thursday, October 04, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music, Music
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Beware of the Rat Man!
This is one of the funniest damn things I've ever seen. Sleek and I were watching the actual show when it aired, and we were falling of the couch laughing. I hate this phrase, but dude, this guy really DOES scream like a girl!
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Susan Chipley
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
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Labels: Guest Post, Youtube
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Video Vault
"Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats -- a huge video on MTV in the early '80s. I just watched it for the first time in a long and was surprised to see the dude go all Ren McCormick on that medieval village. I guess I don't remember it as well as I thought I did.
Speaking of Ren McCormick ... this one's for the ladies.
If you just can't wait, fast-forward to 2:30 on that one to see one skinny j breakin'.
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Tuesday, October 02, 2007
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Labels: Video Vault
More Classic Calvin
I felt like this every day when I was in school. I remember it like it was yesterday. Thankfully my job doesn't make me feel this way.
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Tuesday, October 02, 2007
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Labels: Calvin and Hobbes, Cartoons
Friday, September 28, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
"Come in. Every night you enter me like a criminal. You break into my brain, but you're no ordinary criminal. You put your feet up, you drink your can of Pepsi, you start to party, you turn up my stereo. Songs I've never heard, but I move anyway. You get me crazy, I say 'Do it.' I don't care just do it. Jam me, jack me, push me, pull me, talk hard!"-- The Eat Me Beat Me Lady
"I like that. Talk hard. I like the idea that a voice can just go somewhere uninvited and just kind of hang out like a dirty thought in a nice clean mind. To me a thought is like a virus. You know, it can just kill all the healthy thoughts and just take over. That would be serious." -- Hard Harry
That would be totally serious.
So I start the day with "Wave of Mutilation" by The Pixies. Next?
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Friday, September 28, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music, Music
Thursday, September 27, 2007
That's Some Good Business Right There
I've been saying something lately and I'm wondering if I picked it up somewhere else or if I just started doing it.
I've basically been using the word business in place of stuff, like so:
(i.e. The DM makes an awesome stir-fry)
"That's some good business right there."
(i.e. I'm getting into my backpack)
"Man, there's all kind of business in here."
Am I just horking this from the kids?
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
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Labels: Crazy Ideas, Musings, That's Some Good Business
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Holy Hail!
What a storm we just had! I thought for sure my car was jacked, but it seems to be fine. The hail stones were sort of like small marbles. It was pretty intense!
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
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Labels: Personal Experiences, Photography, Weather
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Pet My Peeve
A very good friend and co-worker of mine, Jessie, mentioned to me today that she thought a post about pet peeves could be fun, and I'd been considering one anyway, so here goes. This one's for you, Jessie. I look forward to reading everyone's pet peeves.
Here's one of mine from yesteryear: When I was in college, I worked in retail (CD store), and I absolutely, positively hated it when I'd be trying to help a customer and this other dude who worked there would listen in to what the person was asking and would chime in with the answer. Dude! I've got it under control! My god this guy was a putz. I finally told him that it was the most annoying thing I'd ever encountered and if he did it again I was going to jab him with the pin on my name tag, and he stopped doing it. I could see him chomping at the bit when he'd overhear a customer's question, though, and I'd just sort of subtly tap my name tag and shake my head. Try me.
My biggest current pet peeves involve the good coffee pot in my office. (I don't care about the bad coffee pot -- enjoy your half-strength Maxwell House, freaks.) The good one is a pain in the butt, though, because it has a built-in grinder and it has to be completely taken apart and cleaned between each brewing.
Peeve #1: People who brew a pot without completely taking it apart and cleaning it. DON'T! It'll taste like crap and waste the coffee that either Jessie or I brought in! And trust me, I can tell if it's been cleaned or not.
Peeve #2: Only Jessie and I bring in good coffee, but lots of people drink it! The company only provides Maxwell House. Good coffee drinkers -- pitch in! That stuff's expensive!
Peeve #3, and the biggie: Okay, fine, don't bring in any coffee. You can drink mine or Jessie's, we're happy to share, really. But for the love of GOD, man (and one woman), clean the pot at the end of the day so I don't have to do it at 6 AM when I'm ready to mainline straight coffee beans into my veins! Seriously, why is that only Jessie and I clean that damn coffee pot? If she and I are bringing in all of the good coffee, and there are eight people drinking it, then there are six other people who should be cleaning that pot at the end of every day.
I still have an old associate's tag from Camelot Music. If that pot's not clean in the morning, somebody's getting jabbed.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
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Labels: Pet Peeves
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
But I'm leaving mid-day for a weekend in Maryland, where I'll be watching Team USA defend their title at the annual Motocross of Nations event. It's the first time the MXoN has been held in the U.S. since 1987. Should be fun.
So it's gonna be more like Friday A.M. Music.
Go ahead; make my day.
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music
Just In Case Anyone Forgot that Bjork is Actually the Queen of the World
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
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Labels: Bjork, Friday Music, Youtube
Feast or Famine
Haven't heard Hot Water Music frontman Chuck Ragan's new solo CD, Feast or Famine? Really, really good stuff. Check out a few songs on his MySpace dealio.
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
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Labels: Music
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Aquanetta's Amazing Boy
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
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Labels: Amazing Stuff, Youtube
Monday, September 17, 2007
Marching Up and Down the Square
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Monday, September 17, 2007
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Labels: Monty Python, Youtube
Friday, September 14, 2007
Me! Me!
I've been tagged. I've never done one of these things, but since Josh is responsible, I'm game.
DISCLAIMER: If I tag you and you don't want to do it, you won't have bad luck, you won't lose money, your face won't melt, your computer won't die, and God will still love you. In other words, no pressure.
Here are the rules:
1) Post these rules before you give your facts
2) List 8 random facts about yourself
3) At the end of your post, choose (tag) 8 people and list their names, linking to them
4) Leave a comment on their blog, letting them know they've been tagged
So here goes, my first meme. (Turns out "meme" doesn't mean "Me! Me!" like I thought it did. Go figure.)
1. I like to eat cheese in really small bites. Except bleu cheese, which I prefer to eat in no bites.
2. I was once beat up by a mob of fraternity boys on Halloween night. They were all in costume. I didn't know them; I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was grossly outnumbered and was kicked in the head a number of times. It didn't hurt that bad.
3. The first concert I ever saw was Donny Iris at the Robinson Grand Theatre in Clarksburg, WV. "Love will rock you. Never stop you. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Love is like a rock!" He did this big shtick on stage where he talked about getting sand kicked in his face in front of his girl at the beach back in the day, so he used it as motivation, went to the gym, did his push-ups, and finally he got the last laugh on the bullies. But I thought he still looked skinny as shit.
4. When I was in the third grade, I thought Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" was the worst song I'd ever heard. I remember thinking I was going to vomit one time when I heard it. My teacher that year was Mr. Beech, and he wore his watch with the face on the inside of his wrist. That bugged me.
5. I'm a decent juggler, and I can juggle three of just about anything I can handle, i.e. a basketball, a whiffle ball bat, and a tennis ball. If I'm juggling something soft I like to mix in hackey-sack tricks. If I'm juggling something edible I like to eat it while juggling it. Unless I'm juggling some kind of animal. Unless it's a fish. Speaking of which....
6. When I was in college I had a pet piranha named Roach. I actually had two for a short time, but apparently Roach didn't like Grady much. I wrote a series of poems about him and put them in a collection called My Pet Roach. It was all pretty much random, just like the urge to go get a piranha was.
7. I can blink my way through time, but only forward.
8. I liked Bjork even more after she wore that swan dress. I personally wear very boring clothing, but I really like when other people wear crazy, truly original stuff. The swan dress qualifies.
Now the tough part: who to tag. The problem is that most of the people who comment here on RtN don't actually have blogs. I'll do the best I can, though.
1. My Mule. Yes, Josh, I'm tagging you back. However, instead of having to answer all eight questions and tagging eight more people, you just need to write a haiku about how great the Pittsburgh Steelers are. That's five syllables, the seven, then five. Of course I broke the rules of this meme, so feel free to break the rules of the haiku.
2. Random Bite Marks. Sorry if you've already done this little meme, Valyna, but your answers are always so much fun. Plus, you actually have a blog.
3. Rob Zero. I believe you like lists, Rob, so maybe you'll participate.
4. Mungerphut. You may not have time to do this, Munger, seeing as how you're always reading. Like, apparently, always.
Okay, now I'm going to tag people whose blogs I'm finding randomly based on their excellent taste.
5. Queen of Napville. She likes A Confederacy of Dunces. Need I say more?
Wow, it's harder to find interesting random blogs than I thought. Therefore, I'm going to leave it to five now instead of eight. Wait a second, I can tag people who are contributors of this blog! You guys only have to worry about the second rule. Okay, here we go, the last three:
6. Zee. Tag.
7. Raoul Duke. Tag.
8. The Dalai Mama. Tag.
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Friday, September 14, 2007
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Labels: Meme
Friday Music
I was going through my iPod a few days ago trying to find something to listen to that matched my mood, and I stumbled onto an album I hadn't heard in a long time: Pink Floyd's The Final Cut. This isn't just any old album to me -- in fact, back in the day, it changed music as I knew it.
My pal G2theLow turned me on to Pink Floyd in high school with The Wall. I was familiar with "Another Brick in the Wall Part 2," but that was about it. One day when we were cruising around he kicked The Wall and I was floored. I'd never heard anything like it. I wanted it to be mine.
So the next time I went to the mall I checked Camelot Music, and The Wall, being a double CD, was like 25 bucks. I must have been short on bread, so I picked up the budget-priced Final Cut instead and I beelined to my dad's apartment and his new stereo--my only access to a CD player.
He wasn't there, so I loaded up one of the slots in the 6-CD Techniques cartridge with my new Floyd, turned up the volume, turned out the lights, and laid down in the middle of the floor. It was almost like I knew my life was about to change and I didn't want any other stimuli to interfere with the process. I remember it like it was yesterday, which is impressive, seeing as how I forget most of my life.
Automobiles pass in the rain. A car radio switches from station to station.
"...announced plans to build a nuclear fallout shelter at PeterboroughAnd my mind was completely blown. I stayed on the floor and let the first listen take me. Then I spun it again. I felt punch-drunk afterward.
in Cambridgeshire..."
[phzzt! of returning]
"...three high court judges have cleared the way..."
"...It was announced today, that the replacement for the Atlantic
Conveyor the container ship lost in the Falklands conflict would be
built in Japan, a spokesman for..."
"...moving in. They say the third world countries, like Bolivia, which
produce the drug are suffering from rising violence...[fades]"
Tell me true, tell me why, was Jesus crucified
Is it for this that Daddy died?
Was it for you? Was it me?
Did I watch too much T.V.?
Is that a hint of accusation in your eyes?
If it wasn't for the nips
Being so good at building ships
The yards would still be open on the clyde.
And it can't be much fun for them
Beneath the rising sun
With all their kids committing suicide.
What have we done, Maggie what have we done?
What have we done to England?
Should we shout, should we scream
"What happened to the post-war dream?"
Oh Maggie, Maggie what did we do?
I soon found the 25 bones and bought The Wall, which continued to reconstruct my idea of what music could be as I explored it more deeply. More Floyd albums followed. Then I tried Neil Young, Bob Dylan, The Grateful Dead. Others followed, and I let them all in. As the music in my life changed, so did my life itself.
I've been searching for the next mind-blower ever since, and I've found many, in various genres, but nothing will ever have the effect that The Final Cut had on me.
What was the first album that really got you? That's what I want to listen to today.
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Friday, September 14, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music
Thursday, September 13, 2007
'Eers vs. Terps
WVU takes on Maryland tonight at 7:30 (ESPN2). Predictions, anyone? Pick the winning team and the score. The closest pick gets to choose the photo that runs over to the right there. (That's the best prize I could think of right now.)
I'll start it off.
WVU 55 - MD 17
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Thursday, September 13, 2007
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Monday, September 10, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
I just found out that Bob Dylan and Elvis Costello are coming to Pittsburgh together in October. While I probably won't be able to make the show, I'm going to start my day off listening to these fine gentlemen. Then I believe I have some stuff from last week to catch up on.
After that? You tell me.
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Friday, September 07, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
It's NFL Eve and I'm starting to get excited. (In the meantime, Roddick vs. Federer will do.)
Go Steelers!
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Wednesday, September 05, 2007
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Classic Spider-Man
This is for anyone who grew up watching Spider-Man cartoons, like I did.
By the way, this is the 200th post on RtN. I've been a bit too busy to post much during the last week, but I should be able to pick it back up this week. Hopefully that trailer hot spot will open soon, because I'm still looking forward to checking it out.
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Tuesday, September 04, 2007
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Labels: Cartoons, Reminiscing, Youtube
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Dick in a Box
One of my all-time faves from SNL, "Dick in a Box," has been nominated for an emmy. It's performed by Justin Timerlake and Andy Samberg. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out.
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Susan Chipley
Saturday, September 01, 2007
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Labels: Guest Post, SNL, Youtube
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
Okay, it's Thursday, but tomorrow will be chaotic, so I figured I'd start this week's music post on Thursday.
Hoop's got me checking out some spunk by a band called Spill Canvas. It's very Hoopish, and it's got me in the mood for upbeat music. I'm gonna hit up some Hendrix next. If you can send me links along with your suggestions, like good ol' Anon did last week, then I'll be like, "Word."
Oh, this is pretty interesting, if you haven't heard it yet:
powered by ODEO
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Okay, I Simpsonized myself. It looks a little like me, I guess. My favorite part is the Homer-style stubble. If anyone else has done this, I'd love to see your results. Post in the comments if you know how.
If you haven't done it and you'd like to, go all corporate at
Posted by
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
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Labels: Cartoons, Other Sites
Monday, August 27, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
I suddenly thought of one of my favorite Dr. Seuss lines ever:
Now bicycles were never madeSo I'm going to listen to Queen's "Bicycle Race," even though I don't like that song all that much. Any other suggestions? I'm all 'eers.
For pale green pants to ride 'em
Especially spooky pale green pants
With nobody inside 'em
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Friday, August 24, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music
Words of Wisdom
My boy dropped this morsel on me a few minutes ago, and it's simply too enlightening not to share:
When people need to throw up, they do diarrhea.Consider yourself educated.
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Friday, August 24, 2007
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Bobby Conn
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
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Labels: Bobby Conn, Music, Youtube
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Name That 'Do 5
I'd said Name That 'Do was retired, but like Michael Jordan, Jeremy McGrath, and my father-in-law, it's making a little comeback.
The subject for this one is female pop singers.
This one could be over early.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
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Labels: Name That Do
Monday, August 20, 2007
Toilet Humor
I guess our minds were in the gutter the other night when the DM and I came up with our two latest ideas.
First is a chain of restaurants called Fartagain's Irish Pub and Beanery. I really don't think this needs much embellishment.
Next is an idea that we were sure had been thought of before: Glade Butt Plug-Ins. Again, I think the purpose of these is pretty clear. Turns out it wasn't an original idea, and here's the proof. (Turn the volume down if there are kids around; swear-word alert.)
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Monday, August 20, 2007
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Saturday, August 18, 2007
A New Breed
The DM ran across this cute little fella yesterday while browsing a local animal shelter's website. He's a pit bull/beagle mix. We've decided we're going to start breeding these dogs in an attempt to create the next great hybrid, a la peek-a-poo, labradoodle, etc.
I think we'll call them beabulls, unless someone has a better idea. (Okay, I really just wanted to post this photo, which cracks me up.)
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Saturday, August 18, 2007
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Friday, August 17, 2007
The Run for No. 1
I just thought I'd share the latest cover of Sports Illustrated with you all. That's WVU's star running back, Steve Slaton, on the cover, who looks to be a contender for the Heisman Trophy this year. Fingers crossed, this looks to be a good year in sports for West Virginia University.
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Bad Billy
Friday, August 17, 2007
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Some Great Links for Live Shows...content
Hey folks,
I am what you would call a "lurker" (someone that reads others but hardly ever posts) on a number of jamband message boards. Here is a very cool thread started by a girl on the Phish Phantasytour board. It has sendspace and other hosting sites with some great music you can pull down for free and more importantly Legally. Dead, Phish, Miles, Coltrane, Talking Heads and all kinds of other live shows... many of them soundboards. my harddrive has a bellyache ;)
Let me know if you have any success... Cheers its Friday! ~Dru
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Friday, August 17, 2007
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Labels: Guest Post, Music, Other Sites
Friday Music
It's Friday. I need music.
Rock me. Roll me. Soothe me. Soul me. Hip me. Hop me. Someone, stop me!
Feed me, Seymour!
Posted by
Friday, August 17, 2007
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Labels: Friday Music, Music
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Random Thoughts Thursday
-If this crazy, messed-up world of ours had no coffee in it
I'd hop the first train out of here, I wouldn't stay a minute
-I'm happy to hear British singers actually sounding British. Sure, Billy Bragg always has, and there are others, but why do so many people seem to lose their accents when they sing? I'm thinking of Mick Jagger singing "I can't get no satisfaction." The last time I checked, Yanks and Brits say can't decidedly different, and Mick doesn't sing it like the Brits I know say it. Pop up-and-comers Lily Allen and Kate Nash, as well hip-hopper The Streets, sound properly British! Good on you, mates!
If there are any Brits still reading this blog, I'd love to hear your input into this. Paging Matt Allard. Come in, Mr. Allard.
-Speaking of singers, I'm totally into Mugison right now. Check him out and let me know what you think. It might make Rob Zero's ear's bleed. Try it, Rob!
-I left my cell phone out in the rain a couple of weeks ago, and while it still works, the backlight is broken. The only way I can see my address book, read texts, or look at my caller ID is to shine a flashlight on the display. Crazy but true.
I was at a race in Minnesota this past weekend and I needed to make a call, so I asked the people around me if anyone had a flashlight I could use. This guy David Bulmer proceeded to pull out his cell phone, which has a built-in flashlight. I used it to see my address book on my cell phone and make the call. I've been mulling it over ever since.
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Thursday, August 16, 2007
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Labels: Motocross, Music, Musings, Poetry, Random Thoughts, Travel