Thought I might share the nuggets of wisdom from under the bottlecaps as I libate (is that a word?) tonight. Enjoy!
1. "Humor is a Tumor when it becomes a Rumor."
Posted by
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Labels: Beer, Guest Post
2. "The Universe begins Immediately to your left."
3. Overachievers Underestimate the Rest of Us."
Never under estimate the poor taste of the American public...Someone in the design business.
"So this baby seal walks into a club...."
Libate away, my brother. Libate away. I'll expect at least two, maybe three, more quotes this evening.
Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed.
If Clash is bringing Joseph Addison to the party, I'm getting a beer. See what you've started, geto boy?
I was a Poli Sci major and was fortunate enough to have some incredible undergraduate professors. One of whom introduced me to Joseph Addison’s play Cato, a Tragedy. I have always admired the history of men that were the renegades in their respective fields.
Sleek- After last Fridays debauchery I will have to limit myself. But I will check back in tomorrow night after I see what those bottles have to say to me.
4. "Don't be an Imposter on Humanity's Roster."
You can beat a dead horse but you cannot make it drink.
5. "What could be Better than a beer with Eddie Vedder?"
6. "Magic is Where you Make It."
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