Reversing the Numbness

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The casket of Jesus found?

Have you guys seen this?


SleekPelt said...

James Cameron and you both clearly misread this, Billy. Dude, it says "JesuA," not "JesuS."

See, this is exactly how rumors get started.

Eric said...

I'm pretty sure that somewhere in the bible, it says that whoever disturbs the final resting place of Jesus, pretty much has a free pass straight to Hell.

SleekPelt said...

I'm pretty sure he got that pass when he made Titanic.

Zee said...

All I want to know is how are they gonna write in Nazis and snakes when they make the big budget blockbuster?

SleekPelt said...

Not sure about the nazis, but the snakes will be easy.