Reversing the Numbness

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Big Business near Chi-town

After a day of good actual business in a Chicago suburb, my co-worker and I decided to find a spot for some deep-dish pizza pie. If we were downtown I'm sure we'd be pointed to lots of locally owned hot spots, but options were more limited and we went to what I believe is a sizable regional chain called Giordano's. To our admittedly ignorant taste buds, the pie was fantastic, as were the local brews. Here's an iPhone image of the pie:

We also had a great waitress who steered us in the right direction throughout the entire meal. I felt like she deserved more than just a monetary tip, so I also presented her with her very own "That's Some Good Business!" sticker. She was quite appreciative, and even said something like, "That's the hot new phrase I've been hearing all of the kids say." While that did my heart good, I was even happier when she immediately peeled the sticker off of its backing and affixed it to her otherwise virgin ticket holder. As you can see, she placed it near the top, which means it'll peek out of her apron indefinitely as she serves more work-weary customers a few slices of excellence after their long days.

And that, my friends, is some good business.


Admin said...

i've never had pizza pie. it looks damn good!

SleekPelt said...

vesper de vil: It's such a shame that we have a few leftover pieces that will go to waste.

Zee said...

..mmmmmm...I think I know what I'm gonna get for lunch...

Anonymous said...

::wipes drool off of mouth::

posting pix like that is cruel business, my friend.

Susan Chipley said...

I agree with rd. That's just wrong.

Clash said...

Received my stickers today!:) Where O' where shall I place them?

Melissavina said...

Usually when someone gets in your business it's a bad thing... but this wise server was on the money. Good business indeed!

p.s. if you look at the word business too long it starts to go south. I'm just saying.

p.p.s. that pizza looks like the food we'll all eat in heaven. Lucky.

Devil Mood said...

ahah that's cool!
So what other stickers do you have? That's a nice hobbie, sticking stickers on random people :)

josh williams said...

Ah! But how were the Cuban Sandwichs? Now we are talking the business!

Unknown said...

I'm so jealous. you can freeze that pizza, you know, and share it with friends at a later date.
That would make good business sense. I'll be up for pizza and stickers soon.

SleekPelt said...

zee, rd, dm: I'm glad I inspired one of you and sorry for my cruelty to the others! But mmmm was it ever good. ;)

clash: In visible places! There are more where those came from.

melissavina: Hmmm. I don't know, Melissavina. I've been looking at the word a lot lately and it just seems to bloom more gloriously.

devil mood: I have no other stickers -- I'm not much for collecting, I'm afraid. I'm a one-sticker kind of guy.

josh: The pigs and I stayed away from the Cubans!

jessica: Ha! I did feel guilty letting a few pieces go to waste. Next time I'll try to bring some back, but when you do make it up next time, I'm sure we can find a decent local pie.

moneytastesbad said...

P is for Pizza.....

A few years back, the wife and I took a trip to NYC for a week of exploring the city. We had pizza at least once a day while we were there, a few days we ate it twice.

We would find a cool local, a couple of them worked at record stores and others we would just stop on the street, and ask them where the best pie in the hood was.

Man I love NY style pizza.

We at at Joe's a couple of times. That is the place where Peter Parker worked in one of the Spiderman films.

As for local pie, I suggest Pizza Al's on University Ave. It is close to McDonalds.

SleekPelt said...

$tastesbad: I've never had pies from that place. The DM makes such a fine pie that we rarely order them out. I like your style for finding local spots.

Unknown said...

I want pizza now. Yummo. If you've still got some of those stickers left, it would be cool to stick them up here at the lab... can I email you my address?

SleekPelt said...

teoh: Sure thing --