Reversing the Numbness

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

More Classic Calvin


josh williams said...

Poor Calvin never had Heelys.

Unknown said...

What is Bill Watterson up to now, I wonder. It's been more than 10 years since C&H.

SleekPelt said...

josh: No, brother, but he had a battery-operated propeller beanie that he got by collecting proofs of purchase from boxes of Chocolate-Covered Sugar Bombs. You may remember that he anxiously awaited the beanie for days on end, and when it finally came, it broke before he even got to try it out. I felt really sorry for him. Dashed expectations are sad.

missy: There's a guy who knows how to do it. To this day you won't find a photo of him, so he could be beside you on a bus and you wouldn't even know it. To realize that fame is a bugger before you have to learn it the hard way? Just more proof that the guy is brilliant. Whatever he's doing, it's whatever the eff he wants to do.

Zee said...

...or he's anonymously molesting children. Pardon the cynic in me.

SleekPelt said...

zee: Uhhhhh. ? Do you know something about Bill Watterson that I don't know?